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Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Bimbosan. If you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to contact us​ on Messenger!

Bimbo = short for bambino (child) in Italian and sano = healthy
Bimbosan stands for healthy children.

Bimbosan parents are happy parents because their children sleep soundly and thrive. Always using the same milk as a basis, you can mix 9 different bottle and 9 pap variations yourself. If you are bottle-feeding your baby, choose Bimbosan right from the start to ensure that your baby is getting all the key nutrients and minerals for healthy development.

If you have questions, please contract our customer service by phone Tel. 089 777 289. Our Bimbosan customer service team would be happy to help answer any questions you have about nutrition.

Supplementary food is eaten in addition to breast milk. In addition to bottles, your child should start eating paps at the earliest after 5 months of age and no later than in the 7th month.

There is no specific recommendation here. The best gauge is your child’s appetite.

Breast milk changes as your baby grows. We are often contacted by mothers who are using breast milk they froze six months previously but their child no longer fills up. In this case, you can warm up breast milk and enrich it with organic millet, organic rice or Bio-Hosana.

If we only look at people’s outward appearance, it is clear that: “Every person is different and an individual”. This principle also applies to diet, especially for young children. They have very different needs and parents should try and address these needs individually. There are several practical and good recommendations or pieces of advice that mothers can try out once to determine which product is best for their child. At Bimbosan we develop food that is as all-natural as possible and can be ideally adjusted to meet your baby’s needs. Our friendly customer service would be happy to help you personally by phone at 089 777 289.

Breast milk is best for your baby. Breast-feed as long as possible. The WHO recommends exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 months. Seek advice from an independent medical, nutritional or infant and childcare professional if you are not breastfeeding or contact our helpful customer service by phone at 089 777 289.

Infants should gain approx. 150 – 200 g per week. Talk to your doctor if your baby’s weight gain is different.

Ask an expert for advice and helpful breastfeeding tips. As another option after 6 months. Mix the cereal supplement right for your baby’s stool consistency with water only to form a pap and give a small quantity of it to your child before breastfeeding with your finger, a dummy or a spoon.

Bimbosan products can theoretically be combined with other products. But of course, it is easiest to just use Bimbosan baby milk because the Bimbosan products are perfectly matched to one another so nothing can go wrong. A lot of other milk contains several carbohydrates. Some infants are happy with just Bimbosan milk for 5-6 months. Depending on your baby’s needs, bottles supplements can be added to the baby milk.

You should only give your baby cow’s milk after the 12th month.

If you are not relying totally on breast milk, ask an independent expert or nutritionist about which products to use. Bimbosan baby milk products are especially well-suited for combination feeding. They are developed using breast milk as a model and contain everything your baby needs for the first months of life. Because our tins hermetically seal, the content – even if you have just used a little bit – doesn’t have to be thrown away after 3 weeks like most other products. If you have special questions, please feel free to get in touch by phone at 089 777 289.

Infants should drink 1/6 of their body weight every day but not more than 1 litre.

Gluten is a protein composite present in all types of grain present in all types of grain except millet, rice and corn. Gluten only has to be avoided by people who suffer from celiac disease Because one symptom of gluten intolerance is diarrhoea, small children should only be given food containing gluten after 4 months.

After 7-8 months yoghurt can be added to fruit or grain paps as a supplement.Due to its high protein content, fromage frais is not suitable during your baby’s 1st year.

Sugar, over time, has come increasingly under fire when it comes to babies’ diets. But sugar does play a role in nutrition. By law, every baby milk powder contains lactose. Bimbosan offers mothers a wide range of sugar-free cereal supplements. This is easy to see in the product name. All of the cereal supplements with the word organic in the name (e.g. organic rice) are absolutely sugar-free.

Provided they are stored correctly (cool and dry), our products can be used without reservation for 8 to 10 weeks after opening them.
Storage conditions have a major influence on quality and shelf life – heat and moisture, for example, are very detrimental to our products

If you child is spitting out or regurgitating food due to a medical problem, the right types of grains can often help. There is an old Swiss country saying: «a thick meal is more likely to stay down than a thin one». If there’s nothing here that appeals to your baby, ask a specialist for the right grain-based cereal supplement. Spitting and regurgitating can be effectively counteracted if every bottle is thickened with 3 g of cereal supplement per 100 ml. Important: Diarrhea with vomiting is dangerous for your child. Seek medical assistance immediately.

Many other baby milk products contain supplements that harden the stool such as rice or potato.

Talk to your child about the problem. Food that causes wind should be avoided. If necessary, massage your baby’s stomach and possibly even change the baby’s position. See if moving the baby’s arms and legs helps.

Babies are often given bottles at night to help them sleep longer. When switching over from breastfeeding to bottles, we recommend filling your child up more during the day to get used to the new diet. You can add a little bit of grain to each meal. Breastfeed as long as possible and ask an expert for breastfeeding tips. Even just an extra 1-2 hours of sleep helps some mothers keep breastfeeding a bit longer. It is certainly worth a try.

Your baby’s stool may cause a sore bottom depending on food or medicine. Ask an expert for advice. Leave your baby without nappies as often as possible. Instead of just relying on locally applied creams, you can also give your baby a rice pap which helps in many cases.

Increase the cereal supplement up to 5 g per 100 ml. Never increase the amount of liquid because this can expand the child’s stomach.

Infants who have breastfed for a long time often refuse bottles when breastfeeding ends. Frantic parents buy all sorts of bottles and baby-bottle teats made from various materials. Here are some tips that may help:

  • The father should try giving the baby the bottle
  • Talk to the child
  • The mother should leave the house
  • Add a cereal supplement
  • Try out the Bimbosan sports bottle at the beginning

Grains have proven to help children with digestive problems. They are only recommended after the 5th month for children who are breastfed. Grains containing gluten should generally only be used after the 5th month. If you have special questions, please feel free to get in touch with our customer service by phone 089 777 289.

Switching between different starter milks is less critical than changing to a follow-on milk. If you want to switch to Bimbosan baby milk, try it out first with 1-2 sample packs. These samples are available as travel-size portions (packs of 3) in stores. If your child responds well, you can still finish up the other milk you aren’t happy with and then switch completely to Bimbosan baby milk.

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