A long company history.
Bimbosan is a typical, family-operated Swiss company that has been producing premium special baby food since 1932. Bimbosan is proud to have upheld Swiss tradition throughout its history, always relying on Switzerland as its production location.
Entire generations of Swiss children have grown up with Bimbosan. The Bimbosan company was founded in 1932. For more than 80 years now, Bimbosan has been doing the same thing year in and year out in Welschenrohr in the Swiss canton of Solothurn: Bimbosan makes extraordinarily high-quality products and sells them at affordable prices. Babies aren’t the only thing Bimbosan attaches great importance to. The Swiss economy is another high priority. We award countless major contracts to other Swiss companies, thus assuring training spots and jobs throughout the country.
Company founded in Bern and Fiscosin introduced (5-grain baby formula).
New site in Ostermundigen, Fiscosin introduced without oats, first product under the name Bimbosan.
Bimbosan AG taken over by Mr Hosang, Prontosan introduced as first instant children’s product.
Many of the well-known organic products introduced including organic rice or organic mill
New site in Welschenrohr, Bimbosan baby milk introduced.
«North Annex» added to Welschenrohr production site.
«Millennium» building added to Welschenrohr production site.
«East Expansion» of the Welschenrohr production site.
Acquisition of YUMA Molke.
Super Premium introduced, the first baby food in the world without palm oil.
Anton Hosang hands over business to new owners.
Bimbosan relaunch; a totally new look for the products.
Launch of the organic follow-on milk, the HA milks and the new 3-grain milk pap organic and corn milk pap organic specialities.
Launch of the organic growing-up milk; Bimbosan’s first milk for babies aged over 12 months. Launch of the Classic follow-on milk at the end of 2015.
YUMA relaunch; a totally new look for the products.
Refurbishment of the office facilities as well as west wing extension for the shipping department.
Launch of the first Bimbosan snacks; Maisis and Viogis.
Relaunch of the palm oil-free organic milks, special theme world with Bruno in the jungle
Under the motto: «The Bimbosan look, handicraft from Trauffer», wooden toys.
«Cereals without sugar», relaunch of various products without added sugar.
Bimbosan AG taken over by HOCHDORF Swiss Nutrition AG
Bimbosan milk launched in Vietnam
Bimbosan milk launched in Cambodia